What's behind the name?
“Vita” (vee-ta) means life in Latin. When coming up with our name, we contemplated what we wanted this collective to be about- what we embody. We wanted something feminine that represented all elements of life as a woman… vita came up and we just knew, that was it!
Who can attend?
We welcome all! We specifically focus on women for most of our gatherings because we feel it’s important for women to have a comfortable space to get vulnerable and bring walls down to build true connections with one another. If you identify with or connect with the feminine, you are welcome to join us! This is for all who want to be here- it doesn’t matter what you do, how you look, or who you know- we’d love for you to be a part of our events!
What does ticket money go to?
Giving back is important to us. Ticket sales are used to pay for the events, as well as donate to local charitable organizations. Your ticket covers your food, drinks, services, etc. and we donate what we can beyond that to local orgs.