To enhance community care + self care through intentional gatherings + collaboration.
About Vita
Vita Collective is a space for women to gather and connect- where we can deepen relationships with our community while also nurturing ourselves as individuals. We women tend to be so busy- mothering, working and doing the many things that come up in between. Vita is a space to unwind from it all- to enjoy mingling, food, sips, opportunities for growth and most of all, connection. Something we’ve all missed these past few years!
We host monthly gatherings + retreats in the greater Santa Cruz area. Monthly topics vary, each with a focus on wellness in some capacity, an emphasis on community building, and giving back. We strive to create a space where all feel safe to come as they are- where walls come down and genuine friendships are built.
We - Natalie, Hannah + Emilia - connected several years ago through our mutual love of adventure, eco-minded living, community gatherings and motherhood. As our friendships blossomed, we realized we all had a passion for getting people together, and chatted about our dreams of one day creating a space for our local community to gather. Post-pandemic, when it became apparent people needed connection to their community more than ever, we decided to just jump in and try something. We didn’t know exactly how it would unfold, but felt committed to trying and seeing what unfolded. Since, it’s evolved into something beautiful, thanks to all of you!
We’re so grateful to be here with you. ♡
Hope to see you soon!!
-Emilia, Natalie + Hannah